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Below is the list of all the items under our
range at Parkes Landscaping Supplies.
Please ring the Parkes Landscaping Supplies office for inquiry.
Parkes Landscaping Supplies provides all your landscaping needs in
Parkes Shire and Central New South Wales
Granite: Red $60.00 per ton
Granite: White $60.00 per ton
Blue Metal: 5mm $60.00 per ton
Blue Metal: 20mm $60.00 per ton
Blue Metal: 10mm $60.00 per ton
Blue Metal: Dust $50.00 per ton
Blue - Road Base $55.00 per ton
Pre - Mix (Sand & Gravel) $65.00 per ton
20kg Bags: Cement GP $15.00 per bag
20kg Bags: Rapid Set $13.00 per bag
20kg Bags: Off White $14.00 per bag
20kg Bags: Gap Sand $16.00 per bag
20kg Bags: Concrete Mix $13.00 per bag
20kg Bags: Hydrated Lime $15.00 per bag​
Beach Sand $150.00 per ton
Brickies Sand $50.00 per ton
Fine Sand $80.00 per ton
Gold Sand $50.00 per ton
Washed Coarse Sand $80.00 per ton

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